
With a MAL language (e.g. coreLang) defined in a .mar or .mal-file, a maltoolbox.model.Model can be created either from a model instance file or empty.

Assets and associations

A model consists of assets and associations.

  • An asset is a python object of a class that was dynamically generated using the MAL language with maltoolbox.language.classes_factory.LanguageClassesFactory.

  • An association is a connection between two or more assets.

The MAL language defines which assets can have an association between each other and what the ‘field names’ between them are called.

Example: Application is an asset type defined in the MAL Language coreLang. The association AppExecution is defined in coreLang. It can exist between Application and Application through field names hostApp and appExecutedApps, this is defined in the MAL language coreLang but can look different in other MAL languages.

Load/create a model

First, you have to load the MAL language:

from maltoolbox.language import LanguageGraph, LanguageClassesFactory

# First load the language either from .mal or .mar
# lang_graph = LanguageGraph.from_mar_archive(lang_file_path)
lang_graph = LanguageGraph.from_mal_spec(lang_file_path)

# Then create the lang_classes_factory
lang_classes_factory = LanguageClassesFactory(lang_graph)

With existing model instance file (see example):

from maltoolbox.model import Model

# Load the model (i.e. the simple_example_model.json, can also be .yml/yaml)
model_file_path = "example_model.yml"
instance_model = Model.load_from_file(model_file_path, lang_classes_factory)

Without existing model instance file:

from maltoolbox.model import Model

# Create an empty model
instance_model = Model("Example Model", lang_classes_factory)

# Create and add asset of type supported by the MAL language
asset1 = model.lang_classes_factory.ns.Application(name="Application 1")
asset2 = model.lang_classes_factory.ns.Application(name="Application 2")

# Create and add association
association = model.lang_classes_factory.ns.AppExecution(hostApp=[asset1], appExecutedApps=[asset2])

For more info on how to use MAL Toolbox, Read the tutorial docs.